Deep Visibility
Application Security Posture

See your real risks and uncover hidden attack surfaces to stay ahead of threat actors.

Beyond Severity: Focus on Exploitability

When is a “critical” vulnerability really critical? When it’s executed at runtime, allowing it to be exploited by attackers.

Oligo’s unique sensor detects which libraries and individual functions are executed, so you can identify real risks—and stop chasing false positives for good.

Get Your Real Risk Picture

Cut Backlogs

90-99% of vulnerabilities in typical code bases can’t be exploited—with Oligo, you can cut that noise to ship fast with full confidence in your security.

Track Posture Over Time

See how your risk picture evolves in response to new security initiatives and policies, using Oligo’s tracking graphs and tools.

Stakeholder Reporting

Give teams and leadership the posture information they need to know, with executive reports for the big picture and full proof of exploitability to show developers.

The Oligo Sensor

Oligo is powered by patented eBPF innovations in our lightweight (less than 1% performance impact), easy-to-install sensor. Only Oligo can give you instant insight into how your libraries behave in real time.

Posture Beyond CVEs

Not every vulnerability has an assigned CVE—and not all application security threats use a traditional vulnerability.

With built-in capabilities to detect anomalous library behavior, Oligo can also identify malicious packages, configuration-based vulnerabilities, and libraries that have already been breached.

Fast, Painless Deployment

Oligo takes minutes to deploy and makes no changes to your code. Start monitoring with deep, function-level visibility today—and you'll start generating value the same day you get started.

Zero in on what's exploitable

Oligo helps organizations focus on true exploitability, streamlining security processes without hindering developer productivity.