Ultimate VisibilityReal-Time BOM & Automated VEX
Enrich SBOMs with exploitability determinations to keep risks in context.
SBOMs vs.
Real Time BOMs
Software bills of material (SBOM) list every library in a code base—even when those libraries aren’t loaded or executed in the running application.
Oligo makes standard SBOMs—and also generates a Real-Time BOM to see applications in real time, during production, and detect exactly which libraries are executed.
Context is Everything
Stop generating VEX reports manually—Oligo gives you full determination of exploitability that stakeholders can understand.
Exploitability Proof
You can trust Oligo reports … but you don’t have to. We include proof for any exploitability determinations you want to explore.
Always Up to Date
Because Oligo VEX and Real-Time BOMs are generated from your running applications, your risk picture is updated instantly when changes are made.
Deprioritize Dormant Dependencies
A majority of vulnerabilities in traditional SBOMs come from either “dormant dependencies” that are never loaded or executed at runtime.
Oligo’s Real-Time BOM clearly indicates when dependencies are executed, so you can stop chasing fixes for problems that never mattered to your application.

Get Better SBOMs and VEX Fast
Oligo deploys fast (in just a few minutes), so you can have your first Real-Time BOMs and VEX reports the same day you get started.
Stop paying consultants to give your SBOMs the context they need to be useful—Oligo makes it easy to generate contextual, real-time reports.
Zero in on what's exploitable
Oligo helps organizations focus on true exploitability, streamlining security processes without hindering developer productivity.